All I ever needed to know,
I learned from science fiction...
One of our members started writing these little gems in his sig. We've decided to collect and immortalize them here. Thanks, Xander!
All I ever needed to know, I learned from science fiction. Like...
... never given an Amberite LSD. Ever. (26 Aug 2004)
... accuracy is proportionate to the difficulty of the shot. (18 Aug 2004)
... never touch a sleeping kzin with your hand, or any other part of your body. (28 May 2001)
... when in trouble, empty your pockets of junk and give them to the nearest barely-teenaged geek. (29 May 2001)
... never compete with a starship captain for a date. (30 May 2001)
... if I were a starship engine manufacturer, I'd hire a Scotsman as my design engineer. (30 May 2001)
... never say "It's too quiet," unless you have a death-wish. (30 May 2001)
... always play cards on a transparent table. (30 May 2001)
... all you need to beat a gun is a sword. (3 Jun 2001)
... the cuter it is, the more likely it is to be dangerous, either directly or incidentally. (6 Jun 2001)
... time travel is always an option. (9 Jun 2001)
... the Stormtrooper Academy of Marksmanship must be getting a lot of lawsuits about now from various employers. (10 Jun 2001)
... always have the recipe for black powder memorized. (11 Jun 2001)
... make sure to keep up with the Evil Overlord list, and plan accordingly. (12 Jun 2001)
... instead of screaming and kicking down the door, open it quietly, and cautiously ease into the room, especially during night hours. (14 Jun 2001)
... it's amazing what you can do with ordinary household products. (14 Jun 2001)
... security detail uniforms are always poorly designed. (14 Jun 2001)
... never build a ship big enough to be considered a moon. (14 Jun 2001)
... it is very easy for nonhumans to learn English. (14 Jun 2001)
... dinosaurs and theme parks do not mix. (16 Jun 2001)
... time travel is more problematic than the problems you try to solve. (17 Jun 2001)
... never piss off a Bolo. (20 Jun 2001)
... never use "mere" in conjunction with "machine." Or "organic," for that matter. (20 Jun 2001)
... constant thrust = constant velocity. (22 Jun 2001)
[And yes, we *know* that's not how physics really works, but watching some sci-fi might lead one to think so, eh? ;-)]... being struck by lightning is a good career move. (15 Oct 02)
... nuke derelict ships from a distance. A big distance. And use big nukes. In quantity. (16 Oct 02)
... parsecs are both a unit of distance, and time. (18 Oct 02)
[obscure one. Ask, and I shall answer.]