The Weird Show
Plot Summary: Tension is still thick between Rory and Lorelai over Dean, so Rory seeks out Lane’s perspective and decides to talk to Dean, which leads to more trouble. Lorelai and Luke clarify their new relationship while Emily announces she and Richard have separated. She and Rory decide to head to Europe to escape their problems.
Note: Yes, no intro this season. I was unable to find a decent montage to use the sound from like I did for previous years, and I didn’t ask the fans to submit one soon enough, so we’re just forgoing a regular intro this season. Instead, I’d like fans of this show to call in to the Voicemail line or submit an MP3 of them saying “Hi, I’m _______, and you are listening to Season 5 of the Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast.”
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 336.42.ARKLE
E-Mail: (Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.)
Special Thanks To:
Gilmore Girls Wiki
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