Angela and I spend a couple of minutes letting people know about the status of the show and it’s eventual return, then chat about movies, the lottery, and music for 30. 😉…
Continue readingVlog #7: Don’t check my pockets.
Should’ve posted this awhile ago.
While I’m not quite ready to get back into the podcasting game yet (and believe me, I’m itching for the opportunity), I’ve managed to keep my web presence up. Recently, I lent my voice to an episode of Diamanda Hagan’s …
Continue readingAugust 1st Update on the Status of Arkle Studios
Hey loyal listeners (the few I have left). So, yeah, this has been taking a lot longer than planned. The move got delayed due first to the timing of my unemployment hearing.…
Continue readingGilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #84: The Reigning Lorelai
Geologic Podcast
Plot Summary: Lorelai goes underwear shopping. For a dead person. She’s in charge of funeral arrangements for recently-deceased Gran, now that Emily has found Gran’s decades-old letter telling Richard not to marry her.…
Continue readingSingular Acheivement Phenomenon #12: You, I, Will You Be Staying After Sunday, Hot Smoke & Sassafras, Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye
Contact the Show:
* Arkle:
* T.M.:
* Voicemail Line: 336-42-ARKLE
Songs Discussed:
You, I by The Rugbys
Will You Be Staying After Sunday by The Peppermint Rainbow
Hot Smoke & Sasafrass by Bubble …
Vlog #6: Washington Post, WTF?!
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #83: Scene in a Mall
The Critical Myth Podcast
Plot Summary: Kirk tries his hand at dog sitting meanwhile the Gilmore girls are finally able to connect and decide to spend some quality time together window shopping, but with both …
Continue readingGilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #82: The Incredible Sinking Lorelais
None this week.
Plot Summary: Lane moves in with Lorelai for the time being and lets Mrs. Kim know who advises her to wear socks. Lorelai the first visits and learns that Lorelai’s inn construction …
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