Quake keepers This one is a little weird, but bear with me :-). A while back I read something about how keeping your shoes under the bed for use after an earthquake doesn’t do much good if the quake sends them skittering into the next zip code. His solution was to tether the shoebox to the bed leg.

This got me to thinking, we both keep our glasses, watches, etc. on the bedside table. A shaker of enough size to necessitate getting up would probably send our glasses flying across the room, making them hard to find at best and breaking them … (read more) “In case of earthquake…”

Mohair Scarf

Some time ago, my Mom gave me a skein of this beautiful pearl-grey mohair yarn. Knowing this yarn would be difficult to tear back if I didn’t like what I did with it, not knowing how far it would go, and being pretty sure I couldn’t find any more if I ran out, it sat for a long time while I occasionally pondered what to do with it. Last fall, I finally decided to just knit it up into a scarf.

blanket4-detail (See my original Project Linus post for more details.)

Man, have I gotten behind on these :-). It’s Catch-up Day here on Tiny Toon Adve…er, anyway… This one will have more detail, since I couldn’t find a pattern to do what I had in mind and ended up creating my own. Feel free to share this one around with other folks. I’ve marked it with the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License.