(THIS POST ISN’T QUITE FINISHED. I wanted to get it out there for proofreading, but the rather critical element of the TARDIS chart hasn’t been added yet. The truly impatient can get it from the linked original pattern, though.)

A few months back, I did a “pay it forward” post on Facebook, offering to make one “single skein” project for anyone who asked, with the payment being they’d do something nice for someone else. This is one of the two requests I got: A TARDIS-blue scarf.

This post is photo-heavy because I’m using it to document the trial-and-error that went … (read more) “TARDIS scarf”

1980s-4th-doctor-scarfI made this sometime in the late 80s (I’m guessing on the year), since my then-husband was a fan of the Fourth Doctor. He’d discovered the show on PBS, but I didn’t get into it at the time. At most I had a video tape of a couple of episodes, so this is more “inspired by” than an actual replica.

The whole thing is in garter stitch, 14′ x 9″, 36 sts wide (which makes the gauge 4 sts=1″), and used both new and stash yarn (four-ply worsted, whatever brands were readily available at the time). I changed colors either … (read more) “Doctor Who scarf”