…But how much flesh is another story.
A reminder of which coalition member nations have sent troops into Iraq (link was to apnews.excite.com/article/20030926/D7TQ81V00.html):
- United States: 130,000
- Britain: 7,400; 1,200 more planned.
- Italy: 3,000
- Poland: 2,400
- Ukraine: 1,640
- Spain: 1,300
- Netherlands: 1,106
- Romania: 600
- Bulgaria: 480
- Denmark: 406; 90 more planned for October.
- Thailand: 400
- El Salvador: 360
- Honduras: 360
- Czech Republic: 312
- Dominican Republic: 300
- Hungary: 290
- Philippines: 177
- Mongolia: 174
- Norway: 156
- Nicaragua: 120
- Portugal: 120
- Latvia: 106
- Lithuania: 90; may send 50 more.
- Slovakia: 82
- Albania: 70
- New Zealand: 61
- Estonia: 55
- Macedonia: 28
- Kazakhstan: 27
Personally, I find it easier to conceptualize something like this with a graphic. However, as you can see, the US troops dwarf everyone else, so here a second chart without the US troop count so you can get a better idea. I’d put thumbnails here, but it makes them too small to see anything of value.
(by Morgan, Fri, 26 Sep 2003 12:00 PM)