Watching early election returns, it strikes me that it takes a special kind of idiot to vote for someone who publicly pulled out of the race.
At 8:38pm, with 10.6% of the precincts in, Arianna Huffington has 20,226 votes, Peter Ueberroth has 6,183, and Bill Simon has 2,209. They’re running 5th, 6th and 8th respectively.
I weep for my state.
(by Morgan, Tue, 07 Oct 2003 8:51 PM)
Comment on the original post:
The Irony of the Recall
What’s pretty ironic is that the recall provision was put into place to serve as essentially a citizens’ impeachment tool, to be used against public officials accused of corruption or criminal wrongdoing. Yet Californians have used it to recall a governor who has been accused of no such thing and replace him with a man who may be guilty of criminal wrongdoing. Go figure.
Posted Fri, 10 Oct 2003 3:44 PM PDT by Laura in DC ( :