[Originally part of Morgan’s Reality Check]
[Note: This list is an archive. We’ll try to keep it from having too many broken links, but won’t be adding anything new.]
This page will always be a work in progress. If you notice any dead or changed links, or have any suggested additions or comments, please contact me.
[ed. note: There was a https://buzzflash.com/ news feed in the right margin, but it doesn’t fit in this space so I’m just linking to them.]
News and Information
Alternative Media
- AlterNet: Top Stories — "AlterNet.org is a project of the Independent Media Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening and supporting independent and alternative journalism."
- Common Dreams — "Breaking News and Views for the Progressive Community"
- CounterPunch — "CounterPunch is the bi-weekly muckraking newsletter…. Twice a month we bring our readers the stories that the corporate press never prints. We aren’t side-line journalists here at CounterPunch. Ours is muckraking with a radical attitude and nothing makes us happier than when CounterPunch readers write in to say how useful they’ve found our newsletter in their battles against the war machine, big business and the rapers of nature."
- Independent Media Center — "Indymedia is a collective of independent media organizations and hundreds of journalists offering grassroots, non-corporate coverage. Indymedia is a democratic media outlet for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of truth."
- Media Whores Online — "Media Whores Online takes an unbiased, in-depth look at the vast myriad of whores who call themselves ‘journalists.’"
- The Memory Hole [rescuing knowledge, freeing information] (formerly at thememoryhole.org)
- Mother Jones: "A legacy of raising hell, a commitment to JOURNALISM"
- The Nation
- News Is Free
- Reporters without borders — front page
- TomPaine.com: Common Sense; A Public Interest Journal
- The Village Voice
- Wastedirony.com
- 13myths.org — 13 MYTHS ABOUT THE CASE FOR WAR IN IRAQ (orig. islandimage.net/oc/13myths/Factsheet.cfm?ID=5)
- CBC News — Canadian news
- BBC NEWS, World Edition
- Albion Monitor — Looking on 18 March, they have on the front page a picture of Donald Rumsfeld and Saddam Hussein shaking hands, and two of the headlines are "U.S. Throwing Billion$ At Allies For War Support" and "Bush Building ‘Coalition Of The Coerced.’" That should give an idea of their content ;-).
- Independent.co.uk
- The Moscow Times
- The Sydney Morning Herald
- The Age (World page)
- The Australian: THE WORLD
- The New York Times on the Web — Requires a free subscription.
- News Headlines From 1stHeadlines — Just what it says: a compilation of headlines from several other news sources.
- Reuters
- C-SPAN — coverage of the US Congress, and sometimes other things of note like UN Security Council meetings. Especially useful if you don’t get C-SPAN on cable but still want to watch/listen
- NPR : News — National Public Radio
- Intelligence Brief — "We integrate newsfeeds and references from over 2000 sources, organized into 200 categories, all focused on providing operational, actionable intelligence to decision makers. Our goal: provide insight into the pressing, urgent issues of today and tomorrow, distilled into brief, cogent overviews."
- Jane’s IntelWeb: Intelligence and Terrorism Watch Reports — Some sections are for paid subscribers, others offer free content but you still have to register. I haven’t; I’m mainly inlcuding this because Jane’s is a respected name and some people may find it interesting.
- STRATFOR.COM — Most of the content is pay, but the free bits are sometimes worth the read.
- GlobalSecurity.org — Information on news and issues that affect people’s security. Scary sometimes, but only because it’s not watered down.
- Terrorism Research Center, Inc.
- ACLU: American Civil Liberties Union
- People For the American Way
- MoveOn.org: Democracy in Action
- Working For Change — Not only do they have a lot of interesting articles, but this is also the place for current Tom Tomorrow and Mark Fiore.
- International Action Center — "Information, Activism, and Resistance to U.S. Militarism, War, and Corporate Greed, Linking with Struggles Against Racism and Oppression within the United States," founded by former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark
- United for Peace — Good place for seeing there actions are being planned, both world-wide and near you, with many links to other anti-war groups.
- DemocracyMeansYou — biting satire to go along with the essays, and sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference (good thing they’re marked ;-)
- Irregular Times — articles and activism opportunities, including a section for finding and countering GOP "astroturf" ("letters to the editor" that were actually written by the party to be sent to newspapers in the guise of the words of individual people)
- Martin Niemöller’s famous quotation: "First they came for the Communists … " — Some research into what he might have actually said, with a list of some of the more popular variants.
- The Propaganda Remix Project — Some wonderful re-workings of classic WWII and McCarthy-era posters, modified to fit the current political climate (satire or not is in the eye of the beholder; the scary thing is that some people would agree with these).
- Jay’s Leftist and ‘Progressive’ Internet Resources Directory — "A Web Portal for all Good People around Planet Earth who are anti-War, anti-Imperialist, anti-Racist, anti-Sexist, and anti-Homophobic and who want to Fight Back and build together a Better World"
- Make Them Accountable — "Them" being politicians and journalists (If you get “Method Not Implemented” just reload the page — I don’t know why it does that.)
- E-The People — A public forum for discussions on democracy
- CCR (Center for Constitutional Rights) — "The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) is a non-profit legal and educational organization dedicated to protecting and advancing the rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights."
- Human Rights Watch / Defending Human Rights Worldwide
- What Really Happened — Lots of stuff on the front page, so it loads slloooww. Most of it is emails from various people, so take things with the appropriate grain of salt and always do your fact-checking. (2022: Link removed since they guy’s gone far-right conspiracy.)
- USAction (was TrueMajority)
- M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence
1st Amendment and Constitutional Rights
- Lumen (was Chilling Effects Clearinghouse) — Information on legalities on the ‘net, and the ways laws are sometimes applied in ways that restrict our rights.
- Quotations that Support the Separation of State and Church — Researched and in context. This is a long page, but worth the read.
- The Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression
- Religious Liberty
- Council for America’s First Freedom (Council for America’s First Freedom became First Freedom Center, which then became part of the Valentine)
- free! The Freedom Forum online. News about free press, free speech and free spirit.
- Congress.gov — Look up the text of controversial bills for yourself. (formerly thomas.loc.gov
Humor (for when it’s laugh or scream)
- This Modern World — political humor and a blogful of interesting stories from Tom Tomorrow
- Mark Fiore — Today’s Cartoon (the animated ones require the Flash plugin)
- DemocracyMeansYou — I know, they’re listed above, but the satire makes it worth putting them here, too.
- Doonesbury — An old favorite that’s still relevant
- All Hat No Cattle
- Think about it: The White House woodshed (2003-09-26, Carolina Morning News)
Know thine enemy (often disturbing)
- The Project for the New American Century — PNC "is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to a few fundamental propositions: that American leadership is good both for America and for the world; that such leadership requires military strength, diplomatic energy and commitment to moral principle; and that too few political leaders today are making the case for global leadership." This isn’t satire, this is the group behind the push to a glorious Pax Americana, many of whom are high in the current administration. An example of the way they think, from p. 63 of the PDF file "Rebuilding America’s Defences: Strategy, Forces and resources for a New Century" (Sep. 2000):
Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event — like a new Pearl Harbor.
- The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI) — a neoconservative think tank
- FreeRepublic.com ~ The Premier Conservative News Forum (home of the eponymous Freepers)
Web Rings
Web rings of interest to non-fans of the smirking chimp who was appointed President of the Unites States. The numbers are membership as of 2003-08-21. I checked WebRing and RingSurf; if you know of another ring I could check, .
I should note that I did find a small number of pro-Bush rings — and don’t blame my search parameters, I only entered "Bush." :-).
- The Anti-Censorship & Free Speech Ring (theanticensorsh1) – 119 sites[1]
- The Anti-Bush League (theantibushleagu?) – 89 sites[1]
- The Anti-Republican Webring (gopgodlessobsole) – 62 sites[2]
- GOP-Godless Obsolete Pricks – 31 sites (not sure if this or the one above was the original with “gopgodlessobsole”)
- STOP George W. Bush and Save the World Web Ring! (stopgeorgewbusha) – 62 sites[1]
- The George W. Bush Administration (thegeorgewbushad) – 61 sites[1]
- The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy (thevastleftwingc) – 61 sites[1]
- The Anti-Dubya Webring – 52 sites
- Democratic Activists Online (democraticactivi) – 49 sites[1]
- The Lick Bush in 2004 Webring (lickbush”) – 47 sites[1]
- The Hocus-POTUS George W. Bush Webring (thehocuspotusgwb) – 38 sites[1]
- Fear Bush (fearbush) – 37 sites[1]
- President Gore Now (presidentalbertg) – 32 sites[1]
- George Bush’s Art of Distraction (bushwasbribed) – 30 sites[1]
- Revolt Ring (revoltring2) – 29 sites[1]
- Down with George W. Bush! (downwithgeorgewb) – 28 sites[2]
- $ is WAR (nowarnoneworder) – 27 sites[1]
- The Bush Wackers (thebushwackers?) – 27 sites[1]
- Bush Haters Ring of America (bushhatersringof) – 25 sites[2]
- George Bush Is A Fascist (georgebushisafas) – 22 sites[1]
- GOP-Gorillas on Parade – Repug Planet of the Apes (gopgorillasonpar) – 19 sites[1]
- Impeach Bush (impeachbush) – 19 sites[1]
- Stop America’s war on the world (stopamericaswaro?) – 19 sites[1]
- Democrat and Green Party Ring (democratandgreen) – 18 sites[1]
- george dubya bush BLOWS (georgedubyabushb) – 16 sites[1]
- Bushwhacker Brigade (bushwhackerbriga) – 15 sites[1]
- GOPocrisy – Blight Upon Humanity (gopgopocrisyblig) – 15 sites[2]
- New Bu$h’s Favourite Pet – Poodle Toady B€air (ring was newbushsfavourit, then lameduckprimemin) – 15 sites[1]
- Failure of the American political system (failureoftheamer) – 14 sites[2]
- Mourning Democracy’s Death Jan 20 01 to Jan 20 05 (mourningdemocrac) – 14 sites[1]
- George W. Bush for Cowpoke (georgewbushforco) – 13 sites[1]
- United Left (unitedleft) – 12 sites[1]
- B€air, Bu$h, and Bull_shite (blairbushbrussel) – 6 sites[2]
- New B€air, Bu$h, and Bull_shite WebRing (blairbushandbull) – 10 sites[2]
- Rights, Freedoms, Peace and Justice (rightsfreedomspe) – 10 sites[1]
- ‘Election’ 2000—Flipping A Quarter (election2000flip) – 9 sites[1]
- Vote Peace 2004 (votepeace2004) – 8 sites[1]
- All Hat No Cattle (allhatnocattle) – 7 sites[1]
- Another Voter for Peace (antiwar) – 7 sites[1]
- Drop Bush (dropbush) – 6 sites[?]
[1] These rings were at hub.politicsnissues.org/hub/{name of ring}.
[2] These rings were at WebRing.
[?] Not sure where this one was.