[Originally part of Morgan’s Reality Check]
This page will always be a work in progress. If you notice any dead or changed links, or have any suggested additions or comments, please contact me. [ed note: Or not, since this is an archive :-)] Note that times are taken from the original source, and unless a time zone is given I’m not going to guess.
Wilson/Plame: The unfolding saga of the outing of an undercover CIA operative
Voice your opinion
- Clear your name. Sign an affidavit that you’re not involved with outing CIA agent Valerie Plame, and send it to the President to show him how easy it could be to get to the bottom of this. Affidavit at MoveOn.org
October 2004
- (10/15, Washington Post) Rove Testifies in Probe of Leak of CIA Worker’s Name
- (10/13, Washington Post) Reporter Held in Contempt of Court Again in Leaks Probe (Time magazine reporter Matthew Cooper)
- (10/8, TruthOut) NY Times’ Reporter Wary of Outing Source (Judith Miller)
- (10/7, Newsday) Judge holds NY Times reporter in contempt for refusing to name sources (Judith Miller) (orig. linked to same AP story on newsday.com)
September 2004
- (9/28, Newsday) New York Times sues Ashcroft
- (9/16, Washington Post) Judge Rebuffs Reporter in Leak Probe (Judith Miller)
- (9/16, Washington Post) Post Source Reveals Identity to Leak Probers (Walter Pincus)
February 2004
- (2/12, American Prospect) Plame Gate: Did Robert Novak willfully disregard warnings that his column would endanger Valerie Plame? Our sources say “yes.” (on American Prospect)
- (2/5, Insight) Cheney’s Staff Focus of Probe (i.e. Plame investigation) (on CommonDreams)
- (2/5, Talking Points Memo) Big news, as Josh says, if it bears out.
January 2004
December 2003
- (12/30) Bush’s Worst Enemy (Commentary by William Rivers Pitt, with a comprehensive summary of the Wilson/Plame leak story)
- (12/30) Ashcroft Recuses Himself From Leak Investigation
- (12/26) Leaks Probe Is Gathering Momentum
- (12/4) CIA agent goes undercover in Vanity Fair
(No November stories found in a Google news search on Plame in late December.)
October 2003
- (10/29) The Elephant in Wilson’s Living Room
- (10/29) Justice Dept., FBI restrict official from leak inquiry
- (10/27) Spy Leak May Violate Patriot Act
- (10/27) NOC, NOC. Who’s There? A Special Kind of Agent (Originally at TIME)
- (10/14) This Modern World: Holy Blown Batcover! (dead-on humor from Tom Tomorrow)
- (10/12, WaPo) Probe Focuses on Month Before Leak to Reporters
- (10/10, FindLaw) A Further Look At The Criminal ChargesThat May Arise From the Plame Scandal, In Which a CIA Agent’s Cover Was Blown
- (10/08, WaPo) The Spy Next Door: Valerie Wilson, Ideal Mom, Was Also the Ideal Cover
- (10/6, ABC News) A Sense of Betrayal — Former CIA Officers Are Furious About the Leaking of the Identity of One of Their Ranks
- (10/05, TIME, 13 Oct issue cover story) Leaking With a Vengeance
- (10/05, 01:38pm ET, Reuters) Agent in Leak Controversy Worried for Her Safety (and what appears to be an update at 03:49pm ET with more info, CIA Operative in Leak Drama Fears for Safety (both gone, but PoliBlog has excerpts from the first and Rense.com has a copy of the second)
- (10/05, WaPo) Journalism 102: The Ethics of Keeping You in the Dark
- (10/04, WaPo) Leak of Agent’s Name Causes Exposure of CIA Front Firm
- (10/03, San Jose Mercury News) Agent exposed in leak ran overseas operations, recruited agents
- (10/03, Newsday) Investigation Into Leak Widened to State, Defense (link to newsday.com/news/nationworld/nation/ny-usleak033479209oct03,0,2623833.story dead and I can’t find the content anywhere else)
- (10/02, Democracy Now) Former CIA Agent Lashes Out at White House For Blowing Colleague’s Cover
- (10/02, AP) Slain CIA Agent’s Dad Calls Leak Treason
- (10/02, WaPo) Outside Probe of Leaks Is Favored
- (10/02, NY Times via The Ledger) Attorney General Is Closely Linked to Inquiry Figures
- (10/02, NY Times via Falls Church News) The Spy Who Loved Him (opinion)
- (10/01, 10:54pm, Whiskey Bar) Double Vision, an interesting piece on gestalt psychology by BillMon
- (10/01, NY Times via Rutland Herald) White House Looks to Manage Fallout Over C.I.A. Leak Inquiry
- (10/01, 12:38am, USAToday) War critic at center of CIA flap always vague on wife’s job (So much for the "everyone knew" excuse, again)
- (10/01, 10:00am EDT, WaPo) The White House, Congress and the CIA (So much for the "everyone knew" excuse)
September 2003
- (9/30, 7:33pm EDT, WaPo) Full Text: White House Memo on Leak Investigation (now at FAS)
- (9/30, PBS/NewsHour) In The Shadows (So much for the "she was just an analyst" excuse)
- (9/30, 3:53pm PT, Slate) The Access Trap: How anonymous sources tie reporters in knots
- (9/30, 15:57 CDT, StarTribune) Strib on Wilson-Plame (10/1 editorial: Scandal: Who outed CIA agent Plame?)
- (9/30, 4:03pm EDT, CNN) Justice probe under way in CIA leak
- (9/30, 12:38pm PT, Slate) How Deep Is CIA Cover?
- (9/30, 3:09pm ET, Atrios) Julian Borger Names Karl Rove (link to the audio)
- (9/30, ABC) List of Questions that CIA must Provide before Investigation into Leak
- (9/30, MSNBC) Criminal inquiry over CIA leak (orig. at msnbc.com/news/973047.asp)
- (9/30, 9:38am EDT, WaPo) Text of E-Mail to White House Staff on Justice Investigation
- (9/30, 9:02am) Shutting down wingnut defenses on DailyKos
- (9/30, WaPo) Bush Vows Action if Aides Had Role in Leak — Democrats’ Demand for Special Counsel Rejected
- (9/30, BuzzFlash) The Truth is Puttin’ on its Shoes: An Inquiry Into the "Innocent" Mr. Rove, by James C. Moore, Co-Author of "Bush’s Brain"
- (9/29, 10:46pm, the Left Coaster) GOP Quotes on Importance of Independent Counsels
- (9/29, 9:37pm, The Nation) CIA Leak Is Big Trouble For Bush
- (9/29, 3:19pm EDT) TalkingPointsMemo.com gives us "A couple more issues to watch" (was http://talkingpointsmemo.com/sept0304.html#092903319pm)
- (9/29, Daily Howler) By Their Silence Ye Shall Know Them
- (9/29, 12:18pm EDT, White House) Press Briefing by Scott McClellan
- (9/29, WaPo) Bush Aides Say They’ll Cooperate With Probe Into Intelligence Leak
- (9/29, ABC) White House Denies Leaking CIA Identity
- (9/29) More selected Atrios posts (Note that these often link to news stories):
- 11:05am ET: White House Says Not Rove
- 12:19pm ET: Rover Red Rover
- 1:14pm ET: Bush Flashback
- 5:26pm ET: Flashback (about how Novak has turned sources before when it suits him)
- (9/28, WaPo) Leak of CIA Name Being Investigated (now at truthout)
- (9/28) More relevant Atrios posts:
- (9/27, 10:47pm ET, Atrios) Knives Out
- (9/27, Time) The Wilson War Continues: The DOJ opens a preliminary probe into whether the White House illegally unmasked a CIA operative
- (9/26, MSNBC) CIA seeks probe of White House
- (9/16, Slate) Did Rove Blow a Spook’s Cover?
- (Note: On 9/29, a Google news search returned: "Your search – plame wilson – did not match any articles between Aug 1, 2003 and Aug 31, 2003." None.)
- (8/15, FindLaw) The Bush Administration Adopts a Worse-than-Nixonian Tactic: The Deadly Serious Crime Of Naming CIA Operatives
- (7/23, The Nation) White House Ducks Smear Inquiry
- (7/22, Newsday) Columnist Blows CIA Agent’s Cover (now on CommonDreams)
- (7/17, Time) A War on Wilson?
- (7/16, The Nation) A White House Smear
- (7/14) Mission to Niger, Robert Novak’s original article that started the whole thisng
Older relevant documents
- The Hanssen Mystery (Robert Novak, 12 July 2001, on when to disclose confidential sources)
- (FindLaw) Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982 (U.S. Code: Title 50 – WAR AND NATIONAL DEFENSE: Chapter 15 – NATIONAL SECURITY: Subchapter IV – PROTECTION OF CERTAIN NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION: Section 421 – Protection of identities of certain United States undercover intelligence officers, agents, informants, and sources