Groomsmen’s formal wear

Well, the ladies have their outfits together, gentlemen; now it’s our turn. Barring objection (seeing as we have a lot less to worry about on this front), here’s the basic plan (below the cut):


Best Men:

tux-men-bow or tux-men-stripe

I figured, since Morgan and I did most of this already, I’d at least ask you three whether you’d prefer bow ties or traditional ones. So far, we have one vote for bow tie.

Any questions or comments, other than tying one on? *g*

5 thoughts on “Groomsmen’s formal wear

  1. Morgan

    Actually, it was Roland who posted that. It must have said it was me because I created the draft post (shrugs).

  2. Morgan

    Keith responded by email: "I'll take the Men's Choice #1. I don't often get the chance to wear a bow tie, and this sounds like a great opportunity to look like a bow brummel. ;)"


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