
This page replaces the Invitation.

PLEASE REMEMBER that in many ways this is a “pretend” ceremony, which it taking place entirely on and not at any of the actual locations indicated. We would have loved to be able to use those locations, but have opted to share the joy without having to worry about expense.

* * * * * * * * * FRONT COVER * * * * * * * * *

The Celebration of the
Renewal of Wedding Vows of

Morgan (aka Lorena)
Roland (aka Peter)

Tuesday, the fourteenth of February
Two Thousand and Twelve
at half after five o’clock in the evening

Wayfarer’s Chapel
Palos Verdes, CA

* * * * * * * * * INSIDE LEFT * * * * * * * * *

~~~ Prelude ~~~

~~~ Seating of the Family ~~~
“Wedding Song (There Is Love)” Noel Paul Stookey

~~~ Processional ~~~
“All I Ask of You” (from “The Phantom of the Opera”), Andrew Lloyd Webber

~~~ Greeting ~~~
Includes “Letter from Victor Hugo to Adele Foucher, 1821”

~~~ Declaration of Consent ~~~

~~~ Reading by the Bride and Groom ~~~
“An Irish Wedding Blessing” (author unknown)

~~~ Renewal of Vows ~~~

~~~ Re-exchange of Rings ~~~

~~~ Water Sharing ~~~

~~~ Blessing of Marriage ~~~
Includes “The Elements of Love” (author unknown)

~~~ Pronouncement of Marriage ~~~

~~~ Recessional ~~~
“Mairi’s Wedding” Johnny Bannerman

~~~ Postlude ~~~

* * * * * * * * * INSIDE RIGHT * * * * * * * * *

~~~ Mother of the Bride ~~~
Roberta F.

~~~ Mother of the Groom ~~~
Laura F.

~~~ Ladies of Honor ~~~
Shelli King
Susan Fox
Blake Kero

~~~ Best Men ~~~
Keith Murray
Joseph Greene
Jim Davis

~~~ Officiant ~~~
(supplied by chapel)

~~~ Harpist ~~~
Patrick McKinnion

* * * * * * * * * BACK COVER * * * * * * * * *

On this day we remember our fathers, Raymond F. & Thomas F., who have crossed over. Their names, like our mothers’, have been shortened for reasons of privacy.

Thanks to everyone for playing along with us in this novel way of celebrating our renewal of our commitment to one another. We would especially like to thank our honor attendants for their contributions, and for putting up with us while we while we worked out the process.

Feel free to take a look around the blog, and please remember to sign the guest book.

Love to all,
 /|\ Morgan and Roland (/)

* * * * * * * * * INSERT: READINGS * * * * * * * * *

Letter from Victor Hugo to Adele Foucher, 1821
   “When two souls, which have sought each other for however long in the throng, have found each other, when they have seen that they are matched, are in sympathy and compatible, in a word, that they are alike; there is then established forever between them a union, fiery and pure as they themselves are, a union which begins on earth and continues and continues forever in eternity. This union is love, true love, such as in truth very few men can conceive of, that love which is as a religion, which defines the loved one, whose life comes from devotion and passion, and for which the greatest sacrifices are the sweetest delights.”

“An Irish Wedding Blessing” (author unknown)

You are the star of each night,
You are the brightness of every morning,
You are the story of each guest,
You are the report of every land.
No evil shall befall you, on hill nor bank,
In field or valley, on mountain or in glen.
Neither above, nor below, neither in sea,
Nor on shore, in skies above, nor in the depths.
You are the kernel of my heart,
You are the face of my sun,
You are the harp of my music,
You are the crown of my company

The Elements of Love (author unknown)

May your Love be like the earth
Rich, natural, and deeply rooted
Strong as rock yet soft as sand
Always growing and always patient

May your love be like fire
Passionate, intense and energetic
A flame that never dies
As radiant as the morning sun
And as warm as an evening embrace

May your love be like water
Moving, constantly changing
Never still, never stagnant
As vast as the ocean
And as fresh as a spring’s rain

May your love be like air
The sharing of dreams, thoughts and emotions
Always fragrant, always carefree
Found in the breeze of a whisper
Or in the breath of a kiss

May your love be like all four elements
Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually intertwined
To create the perfect balance
And to craft the perfect ribbon
For to bind these two hearts into one