More stuff moved from another part of the site. I still need to verify that I have all these things, but if you’re interested in something, let me know and I’ll make tracking it down a priority.
- Gift bag, Incredibles (2)
- Comic-con 2003 souvenir book
- Comic-con 2004 souvenir book (2)
- Amazing Stories #604
- Shonen Jump, Nov ’03
- Shonen Jump, Dec ’03
- Shonen Jump, May ’04
- Count Olaf "autographed" photos (2)
- Chronicle of the Awakenings (sourcebook for Nephilim)
- Sky Captain promotional comic (2)
- Sky Captain promotional poster
- Spongebob keyrings (?) (2)
- Incredibles/Nat’l Treasure/HGttG DVD-ROM
- promo CD
- Animatrix card set
- Mamoru Nagano art card set
- Xena collectible, #10421
- Series of Unfortunate Events trading card pack (2) (unopened?)
- Sky Captain trading card pack (2) (1 unopened?)
- DBZ trading card (unopened?)
- Transformers Armada trading card pack (unopened?)
- Team America t-shirt (XL) (2)
- Team America button
- AVP Wyland Industries cap (2)
- Harry Potter Knight Bus LEGO set (2) (unopened?)
- Claw Marks #4 (for Wing Commander, 1990)
- Raspberry Go-Play sticker (Mello Smellos)
- ST:TNG stickers (3 Riker, 3 Wesley, 2 Troi, 2 Worf, 2 Geordi)
- Teen Titans CyberCene Cel
- Symphonic VCR manual (SV211E)
- Map of North Hollywood, c.’74-’75
- Art card, Jan Pashley (xmas)
There were only two items left on my Listal lists to get rid of, so I’ll just note them here (again, I need to check if I already got rid of them):