This is a catch-all for the books I’m looking to find new homes for. Some may end up on eBay, most I’m willing to give away. Consider this post a work in progress, as I’ll be updating the table from time to time.
7th Sea Core Rulebook | Wick, John | 2016 | 1987916387, 9781987916386 | John Wick Presents, Edition: 2nd Edition, First Print, 300 pages |
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose (Oprah's Book Club, Selection 61) | Tolle, Eckhart | 2008 | 0452289963, 9780452289963 | Penguin, Edition: 1, Paperback, 336 pages |
Ancient Mysteries | James, Peter | 2001 | 0345434889, 9780345434883 | Ballantine Books, Paperback, 672 pages |
Awakening the heroes within : twelve archetypes to help us find ourselves and transform our world | Pearson, Carol | 1991 | 0062506781, 9780062506788 | [San Francisco : HarperSanFrancisco, c1991. |
Book of Lies: The Disinformation Guide to Magick and the Occult (Disinformation Guides) | Metzger, Richard | 2008 | 097139427X, 9780971394278 | Disinformation Books, 352 pages |
Doctor’s book of exercise cures | ||||
Encyclopedia of Gods: Over 2,500 Deities of the World | Jordan, Michael | 1993 | 0816029091, 9780816029099 | Facts on File, Hardcover, 337 pages |
Everything You Know Is Wrong: The Disinformation Guide to Secrets and Lies | Kick, Russ | 2002 | 0971394202, 9780971394209 | The Disinformation Company, Paperback, 352 pages |
Here’s Health… Nature’s Way (The Encyclopedia of Natural Health) | Warmbrand, Max | 1962 | Groton Press, Inc,, 386 pages | |
How to make love to a woman | Morgenstern, Michael; Naifeh, Steven W.|Smith, Gregory White | 1982 | 0345332067, 9780345332066 | New York : Distributed by Crown Publishers, c1982. |
Keepers of the Fire: Journey to the Tree of Life Based on Black Elk's Vision | Turtle, Eagle Walking | 1986 | 0939680300, 9780939680306 | Bear & Co., Paperback, 128 pages |
Living Trust, The | III Abts, Henry W. | 1993 | 0809239183 | McGraw-Hill |
Mark Twain's Book for Bad Boys and Girls | Twain, Mark | 1995 | 1567315313, 9781567315318 | MJF Books, Hardcover, 173 pages |
Matrix Warrior: Being the One | Horsley, Jake | 2003 | 031232264X, 9780312322649 | St. Martin's Griffin, Edition: 1st, 240 pages |
Monster | Martinez, A Lee | 2014 | 0316049913, 9780316049917 | Orbit, Edition: paperback / softback |
Morevi: The Chronicles of Rafe and Askana | Lee, Lisa | 1896944074 | Dragon Moon Press, Paperback, 534 pages | |
Science Matters : Achieving Scientific Literacy | Hazen, Robert M. | 1991 | 038526108X, 9780385261081 | Anchor, Edition: Reprint, Paperback |
So, You Wanna Be A Comic Book Artist?: How To Break Into Comics! The Ultimate Guide For Kids | Amara, Philip | 2001 | 1582700583, 9781582700588 | Beyond Words, Paperback, 139 pages |
Soul Prints: Your Path to Fulfillment | Gafni, Marc | 2001 | 0743416996, 9780743416993 | Atria, Hardcover, 352 pages |
Spider-Man: The Gathering of the Sinister Six | Castro, Adam-Troy | 1999 | 0425167747, 9780425167748 | Berkley, Edition: 1st, 320 pages |
Spider-Man: The Secret of the Sinister Six | Castro, Adam Troy | 2002 | 0743444647, 9780743444644 | I Books/Marvel, Edition: BP Books, Inc. Hard Cover Ed, 448 pages |
Spiderman: Revenge of the Sinister Six | Castro, Adam Troy | 2001 | 0743434668, 9780743434669 | I Books/Marvel, Edition: First Ed, 448 pages |
The complete stories. Volume 1 | Asimov, Isaac | 1991 | 038541627X | New York : Doubleday, c1990. |
The Demon in the Freezer | 0965619664 | |||
The Medicine Way: A Shamanic Path to Self Mastery (The "Earth Quest" Series) | Meadows, Kenneth | 1997 | 1862040222, 9781862040229 | Element Books Ltd., 256 pages |
The Optimistic Child: How Learned Optimism Protects Children from Depression | Seligman, Martin E. P. | 1995 | 0395693802, 9780395693803 | Houghton Mifflin, Edition: 1, 336 pages |
The Story of Philosophy | Durant, Will | 1953 | 0671494155, 9780671494155 | Washington Square Press, Paperback |
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying: A New Spiritual Classic from One of the Foremost Interpreters of Tibetan Buddhism | Harvey, Andrew | 1992 | 0062507931, 9780062507938 | HarperSanFrancisco, Hardcover |
The tiger on your couch : what the big cats can teach you about living in harmony with your house cat | Fleming, Bill; Petersen-Fleming, Judy | 1992 | 0688087507, 9780688087500 | New York : W. Morrow, c1992. |
The Witches' God: Lord of the Dance | Farrar, Janet & Stewart | 1989 | 0919345476, 9780919345478 | Phoenix Publishing (WA), Paperback, 278 pages |
The Witches' Goddess: The Feminine Principle of Divinity | Farrar, Janet & Stewart | 1987 | 0919345913, 9780919345911 | Phoenix Publishing (WA), Paperback, 319 pages |
Thinking With Your Soul: Spiritual Intelligence and Why It Matters | Wolman, Richard N. | 2001 | 0609605488, 9780609605486 | Harmony, Hardcover |
Unsolved Mysteries of Science | Malone, John | 2001 | 0965328953, 9780965328951 | John Wiley, Paperback, 230 pages |
Writing for Comics with Peter David | David, Peter | 2006 | 1581807309, 9781581807301 | Impact, 176 pages |
The Book of Chakras: Discover the Hidden Forces Within You | Wauters, Ambika | 2002 | 0764121073 | Barrons Educational Series Inc., TPB |
I Don’t Know What I Want, but I Know It’s Not This: A Step-By-Step Guide to Finding Gratifying Work | Jansen, Julie | 2003 | 0142002488 | Penguin USA, TPB |