
This is a catch-all for the books I’m looking to find new homes for. Some may end up on eBay, most I’m willing to give away. Consider this post a work in progress, as I’ll be updating the table from time to time.

7th Sea Core RulebookWick, John20161987916387, 9781987916386John Wick Presents, Edition: 2nd Edition, First Print, 300 pages
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose (Oprah's Book Club, Selection 61)Tolle, Eckhart20080452289963, 9780452289963Penguin, Edition: 1, Paperback, 336 pages
Ancient MysteriesJames, Peter20010345434889, 9780345434883Ballantine Books, Paperback, 672 pages
Awakening the heroes within : twelve archetypes to help us find ourselves and transform our worldPearson, Carol19910062506781, 9780062506788[San Francisco : HarperSanFrancisco, c1991.
Book of Lies: The Disinformation Guide to Magick and the Occult (Disinformation Guides)Metzger, Richard2008097139427X, 9780971394278Disinformation Books, 352 pages
Doctor’s book of exercise cures
Encyclopedia of Gods: Over 2,500 Deities of the WorldJordan, Michael19930816029091, 9780816029099Facts on File, Hardcover, 337 pages
Everything You Know Is Wrong: The Disinformation Guide to Secrets and LiesKick, Russ20020971394202, 9780971394209The Disinformation Company, Paperback, 352 pages
Here’s Health… Nature’s Way (The Encyclopedia of Natural Health)Warmbrand, Max1962Groton Press, Inc,, 386 pages
How to make love to a womanMorgenstern, Michael; Naifeh, Steven W.|Smith, Gregory White19820345332067, 9780345332066New York : Distributed by Crown Publishers, c1982.
Keepers of the Fire: Journey to the Tree of Life Based on Black Elk's VisionTurtle, Eagle Walking19860939680300, 9780939680306Bear & Co., Paperback, 128 pages
Living Trust, TheIII Abts, Henry W.19930809239183McGraw-Hill
Mark Twain's Book for Bad Boys and GirlsTwain, Mark19951567315313, 9781567315318MJF Books, Hardcover, 173 pages
Matrix Warrior: Being the OneHorsley, Jake2003031232264X, 9780312322649St. Martin's Griffin, Edition: 1st, 240 pages
MonsterMartinez, A Lee20140316049913, 9780316049917Orbit, Edition: paperback / softback
Morevi: The Chronicles of Rafe and AskanaLee, Lisa1896944074Dragon Moon Press, Paperback, 534 pages
Science Matters : Achieving Scientific LiteracyHazen, Robert M.1991038526108X, 9780385261081Anchor, Edition: Reprint, Paperback
So, You Wanna Be A Comic Book Artist?: How To Break Into Comics! The Ultimate Guide For KidsAmara, Philip20011582700583, 9781582700588Beyond Words, Paperback, 139 pages
Soul Prints: Your Path to FulfillmentGafni, Marc20010743416996, 9780743416993Atria, Hardcover, 352 pages
Spider-Man: The Gathering of the Sinister SixCastro, Adam-Troy19990425167747, 9780425167748Berkley, Edition: 1st, 320 pages
Spider-Man: The Secret of the Sinister SixCastro, Adam Troy20020743444647, 9780743444644I Books/Marvel, Edition: BP Books, Inc. Hard Cover Ed, 448 pages
Spiderman: Revenge of the Sinister SixCastro, Adam Troy20010743434668, 9780743434669I Books/Marvel, Edition: First Ed, 448 pages
The complete stories. Volume 1Asimov, Isaac1991038541627XNew York : Doubleday, c1990.
The Demon in the Freezer0965619664
The Medicine Way: A Shamanic Path to Self Mastery (The "Earth Quest" Series)Meadows, Kenneth19971862040222, 9781862040229Element Books Ltd., 256 pages
The Optimistic Child: How Learned Optimism Protects Children from DepressionSeligman, Martin E. P.19950395693802, 9780395693803Houghton Mifflin, Edition: 1, 336 pages
The Story of PhilosophyDurant, Will19530671494155, 9780671494155Washington Square Press, Paperback
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying: A New Spiritual Classic from One of the Foremost Interpreters of Tibetan BuddhismHarvey, Andrew19920062507931, 9780062507938HarperSanFrancisco, Hardcover
The tiger on your couch : what the big cats can teach you about living in harmony with your house catFleming, Bill; Petersen-Fleming, Judy19920688087507, 9780688087500New York : W. Morrow, c1992.
The Witches' God: Lord of the DanceFarrar, Janet & Stewart19890919345476, 9780919345478Phoenix Publishing (WA), Paperback, 278 pages
The Witches' Goddess: The Feminine Principle of DivinityFarrar, Janet & Stewart19870919345913, 9780919345911Phoenix Publishing (WA), Paperback, 319 pages
Thinking With Your Soul: Spiritual Intelligence and Why It MattersWolman, Richard N.20010609605488, 9780609605486Harmony, Hardcover
Unsolved Mysteries of ScienceMalone, John20010965328953, 9780965328951John Wiley, Paperback, 230 pages
Writing for Comics with Peter DavidDavid, Peter20061581807309, 9781581807301Impact, 176 pages
The Book of Chakras: Discover the Hidden Forces Within YouWauters, Ambika20020764121073Barrons Educational Series Inc., TPB
I Don’t Know What I Want, but I Know It’s Not This: A Step-By-Step Guide to Finding Gratifying WorkJansen, Julie20030142002488Penguin USA, TPB

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